Welcome to my web page!

My name is Josefina Echeveste, and I am a fashion lover. I made this blog to show what I think people should wear. I want to be a fashion designer, here I'm going to show my idea of fashion, hope you like it.



They have many names: decennary bracelets, Virgin, Ana Carbonero bracelet, etc.., Have already gained its popularity among celebrities this summer. And it could be called the ideal complement for any occasion!

Originating in Brazil are hand made using different types of knots and a Franciscan cross at the end of each. Created as a string have exactly 10 knots to count the 10 Hail Marys on a rosary.

But already become an object of fashion and fashion to the last of this summer, used by many celebrities increasingly ...

And is that its use is ideal for any occasion!
Combining colors can create different designs depending on the clothes we wear, even look our mood and the colors also have a mystical meaning ...

1 comment:

Moda YO. said...

amo los decenarios tengo como 5 docenas jaja