Welcome to my web page!

My name is Josefina Echeveste, and I am a fashion lover. I made this blog to show what I think people should wear. I want to be a fashion designer, here I'm going to show my idea of fashion, hope you like it.


They are my bests friends, we love spending time together. The one on the left is very pretty and she is very funny, her name is Julia. The one on the right is Monica she is a very good person and when I need her she is everywhere only for me


Yesterday as soon as I put my head on the pillow, I fell asleep, my dream took me to the fashion world in Paris, where I was the fashion designer, I was very famous. When I woke up I was very sad so I decided to let you see how famous I was.
I think that this look is cool and crazy and that if you want to look like those models you have to look for your style, because I think that style is the first step towards fashion and that colours are the first step towards style.

Buenos Aires Fashion Design

"Trends go by only the style stays"
(Coco Chanel)