Welcome to my web page!

My name is Josefina Echeveste, and I am a fashion lover. I made this blog to show what I think people should wear. I want to be a fashion designer, here I'm going to show my idea of fashion, hope you like it.


Here I have some pictures specially for sporty girls who don't know how to wear sporty clothes and to be fashonable at the same time!!:


Unknown said...

Hi Josie nice blog
When r u gonna conect to the weeworld computer game??

Josefina Echeveste said...

I don't know because I think that game is boring and I have a lot of things to do for school so I don't think I could enter into a long time. Thanks for cheking out my blog!!!!

Unknown said...

I like this blog and your drawings are amazing, mmmm you should post more!!

Josefina Echeveste said...

Jennie you're right I will post more designs

FASHIONN said...

jjajaj jose
me encanto estas ftos sos una diosa me encantan besitosssssssssssssssss

Josefina Echeveste said...

gracias dechus